Hotel Prince de Ligne is located in the historical centre of Teplice, a spa city situated in a pleasant landscape located between the Central Bohemian Uplands (České Středohoří) and the massif of the Ore Mountains (Krušné hory), close to the border with Germany. The Hotel offers 33 rooms, including a presidential suite, suite for two, and single rooms.
The price of accommodation also includes breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Apart from accommodation, during your stay you can visit the Prince de Ligne restaurant and taste culinary specialities. If you like golf, you can visit the Golf restaurant at Golf Resort Barbora in your free time, located nearby. To travel between the Hotel and your selected destinations, for instance the Prague, Dresden, or Berlin airports, you can choose a car from our fleet of upper-medium cars.
The Hotel also offers other accompanying services, such as a sauna. All accompanying services are also available for guests who are not staying at Hotel Prince de Ligne. Companies like to organise conferences, training courses, parties, and various events in our four hotel lounges, including the hotel catering services.

Hotel Prince de Ligne has thirty-three rooms. Rooms are located on all four floors of the hotel. Some rooms offer a view of Zámecké Square, other rooms offer a view of the quiet yard behind the Hotel. Each room has its own toilet and bathroom with either a shower or bathtub.
We take care of hygienically clean laundry
Procedures and methods for washing our bedding and other textiles are chemothermally disinfectant and are certified by the German institute VAH1 under the name BEIBLEACH POWER ACTIVE 60 and BEIBLEACH POWER ACTIVE 40.
The following chemothermal disinfection methods are effective in the range A and B if the prescribed requirements are met:
• Scope A:
kills vegetative bacteria, including mycobacteria, fungi and fungal spores
• Scope B:
suitable for virus inactivation, which meets the definition of "virucidal"
-> effective against packaged and unwrapped viruses, as well as adeno, noro and rota viruses. This includes the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19.

Hotel Prince de Ligne has thirty-three rooms. Rooms are located on all four floors of the hotel. Some rooms offer a view of Zámecké Square, other rooms offer a view of the quiet yard behind the Hotel. Each room has its own toilet and bathroom with either a shower or bathtub.
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