Double room
Price from 2900 Kč
Double room
Price from 2900 Kč

Double room

Hotel Prince de Ligne has twenty-three double rooms. Luxury double rooms follow the latest trends in design and interior equipment. Some rooms offer a view of Zámecké Square, others offer a view of the quiet yard behind the Hotel.

Check-in: 14:00
Check-out: 12:00

Room description:
Each room is equipped with a separate toilet and bathroom including a shower or bathtub. At your request, we will provide a crib incl. bedding. The Hotel reception can provide a wake-up call service during your stay, as well as a breakfast package if you leave early, copying, scanning, information on public transportation, or booking of the hotel taxi. Smoking is forbidden in all rooms and premises of the Hotel.

Room equipment:
  • Minibar
  • Bathroom with a toilet, shower/bathtub
  • Desk
  • LED TV
  • Free WiFi access
  • The price of accommodation includes a buffet style breakfast

Paid services:
  • Parking - CZK 500 / night
  • Pet – CZK 300 / night
  • Additional bed – CZK 1000 / night


Hotel Prince de Ligne has thirty-three rooms. Rooms are located on all four floors of the hotel. Some rooms offer a view of Zámecké Square, other rooms offer a view of the quiet yard behind the Hotel. Each room has its own toilet and bathroom with either a shower or bathtub.

We take care of hygienically clean laundry

Procedures and methods for washing our bedding and other textiles are chemothermally disinfectant and are certified by the German institute VAH1 under the name BEIBLEACH POWER ACTIVE 60 and BEIBLEACH POWER ACTIVE 40.
The following chemothermal disinfection methods are effective in the range A and B if the prescribed requirements are met:
• Scope A:
kills vegetative bacteria, including mycobacteria, fungi and fungal spores
• Scope B:
suitable for virus inactivation, which meets the definition of "virucidal"
-> effective against packaged and unwrapped viruses, as well as adeno, noro and rota viruses. This includes the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19.


Services for our guests

Hotel Prince de Ligne has thirty-three rooms. Rooms are located on all four floors of the hotel. Some rooms offer a view of Zámecké Square, other rooms offer a view of the quiet yard behind the Hotel. Each room has its own toilet and bathroom with either a shower or bathtub.

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